Mamoru Yamamoto at Unknown Asia
I just met an art hero of mine, Mamoru Yamamoto, while attending Unknown Asia in Osaka. He's an amazingly cool guy with a brilliant sense...
A Write Here, Write Now Interview
The amazing artist, illustrator & author, Lisa Congdon wrote up a brilliant interview about our new book release of Write Here, Write Now...
Uppercase Magazine
My Happyland Stamp illustration & design was chosen for Uppercase Magazine's July Issue #26! I couldn't be more thrilled! Check out...
Starting A Travel-themed bit of brilliance!
Just starting a travel-themed program for a pitch and am rather excited really. Planning on including all sorts of great additions and...
A Package from Mamoru Yamamoto
Mamoru Yamamoto is such a brilliant illustrator! He recently sent me the greatest little package of his awesomely quirky and beautifully...
Meeting Masato Adachi
I recently hunted down Masato Adachi and his beautiful work at a great little gallery called Art House in Japan. What a perfect day and...